Can the Coalition succeed? A response to David Marquand
I can take all this on board but I still do not think that the coalition will succeed and it is not doing anything that revolutionary, I don't see many big ideas just a lot of populism and scapegoating. I don't think that anything like the Big Society can work when at the same time people are encouraged to grass on their neighbours if suspected of benefits fraud. I also don't think that a Prime Minister who calls part of the population "scroungers" can then advocate for an all inclusive society. I read comments around the internet and many people do not seem to be able to distinguish between a fraudster and a terminally ill person, as many shout that they do not want to pay tax for people who fall ill without being able to provide for themselves (as if that could be called a career choice). If this climate is the consequence of three months of coalition (Labour was not much better with the ESA/ATOS fiasco and its eagerness to please the readers of the Daily Mail) I do worry a lot as it is not the type of society I want to be living in, with people thinking only
what do I get? before doing anything and full of double standards. I am not even going to mention tax evasion and tax avoidance (I know the latter is legal but if we are so much in debt and all together in this, at least some loopholes could be closed).
I do agree that we need to review the way we live, the type of extreme capitalism we have had for the past decades has not worked, compensating low wages and high housing costs with easy credit for everyone has not worked, an economy based on constant growth is not sustainable forever and we will soon have more problems finding raw resources. But I don't see this coalition (and Labour for all that matters) doing anything to address these problems which will come back to haunt us in the future. The only thing is that if they keep repeating often enough how revolutionary and progressive this coalition is people might start to believe it's true.